Include FontAwesome Icons in your Nuxt.Js Project in 2 Minutes

Include FontAwesome Icons in your Nuxt.Js Project in 2 Minutes

I wanted to use Fontawesome in my portfolio which I built using Nuxt.Js, but I found out that it doesn't function the same way it does with a vanilla web project so I did some research and discovered how it works.

Lets dive in...

NPM Package

First of all we need to install Fontawesome packages from NPM

//fontawesome module for nuxt
npm install nuxt-fontawesome --save-dev

Afterwards we need icon packages and it depends on your needs. The packages are divided by:

  • Availability (Free or Pro)
  • By style (Solid, Regular, etc.)

For the free members there are three sets of limited icons to choose from:

  • Solid npm install @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons --save-dev
  • Regular npm install @fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons --save-dev
  • Brands npm install @fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons --save-dev

Pro members get to have them all plus two extra sets which are:

  • Solid npm install @fortawesome/pro-solid-svg-icons --save-dev
  • Regular npm install @fortawesome/pro-regular-svg-icons --save-dev
  • Brands npm install @fortawesome/pro-brands-svg-icons --save-dev
  • Duotone npm install @fortawesome/pro-brands-svg-icons --save-dev
  • Brands npm install @fortawesome/pro-brands-svg-icons --save-dev


These are the packages which I used for my project.

buildModules: [    
        component: 'fa',
        imports: [
            set: '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons',
            icons: ['fas'],
            set: '@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons',
            icons: ['fab'],
  • 'nuxt-fontawesome' — the registration of the module which was installed earlier
  • 'import' — importing the needed packages, which consists of two parts: 'set' is the path to the package and 'icons' prefix of the package

How to know which package is needed? It will be displayed on the fontawesome site, choose an icon and you will find it. I will demonstrate it with a cookie:

Screenshot 2021-07-07 at 21.40.22.png

Below the name of chosen icon you can see the 'Style' which is a 'Solid' and 'fab'. That means, you need, according to the official documentation, @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons as set and prefix 'fab' in icons section. For every icon you need to include package name and prefix.

Displaying icons in website

Easy, go to the desired component or view and include the html tag with needed icon name. Let me demonstrate with the cookie icon:

    <fa :icon="['fas', 'cookie']"/>

That was all

Best of luck!